How to View Results and Scores
In the website menu (on the left hand side of your screen) you can find all the leagues and competitions available on the Online Results Portal listed for each season, under the "League Results" header. Simply click on the Season (e.g. Winter 20-21) to expand the season, then click on the league/competition name (e.g. (210) RWS National Short Range League) and you will be taken to the Results page for that league or competition. There is a scroll bar on the left hand side of the menu to move down to view the whole list of leagues and competitions within each season.
The leagues and competitions in each season are ordered by Competition Number.
On each Results page you will see the following:
Scoring Description
At the top of the Results page this summarises the scoring being used for this league or competition by showing the maximum score per round (e.g. Ex 100), whether the scores are presented as points scored or points dropped and the type of scoring relevant to the type of competition.
The NSRA run our leagues in a Round Robin format where teams (or individuals) are drawn against another team in each round. The winning team is awarded 2 points and the loosing team is awarded 0 points. Where there is a draw between the two teams on the team's total score 1 point is awarded to each team. In the Scoring Description you will see a small downward arrow "= Points Awarded" to show that the league is using the Round Robin format. This means that in the Results table you will see a column for each Round with a small downward arrow - this column contains the number of points awarded to each team (or individual) for each round depending on whether the team (or individual) won, lost or drew their match for that round.
Alternatively NSRA competitions (those that are not leagues) are shot in classes based on the shooter's average over 1 or more stages (also called sets). In the Scoring Description you will see a small downward arrow "= Position" for these types of competitions. This means that in the Results table you will see a column at the far right of the table with a small downward arrow - this column contains the Ranking Position of the shooter within their Class (e.g. 1 means the shooter is in first place, 4 means the shooter is in fourth place).
Competition Description
Underneath the Scoring Description you will find the description of the League or Competition. Generally this will give the full title of the league/competition, the course of fire for each round of a league or the course of fire and number of stages or sets for a competition and any other information of note (e.g. type of sights permitted or age eligibility)
Print button
While the majority of clubs and competitions will use the Online Results Portal to view their team results and scores, you may wish to print the Results page to hang on your club's noticeboard. This can be done by clicking on the Print button. You will be taken to a Print Preview page which will allow you to select the appropriate Printer and Settings you wish you use.
NB: please be aware that this will only print the Total Scores for each round and the number of Points Awarded for leagues or the Total Scores for each stage/set and the Position for competitions. It will NOT print Team Members' individual scores or scores from each card of the round/stage/set.
Round Dates
The table aligned to the right hand side of the screen contains the Round End Dates. R1 = the column containing the dates for Round 1 (or Stage/Set 1), R2 = the column containing the dates for Round 2, etc.
Each column contains either one or two dates.
Where one date is shown this is the Round End Date where, at midnight, the round winners are calculated and the points or position awarded NOT the Shoot By Date. After these calculations have been made you will be able to view the scores and results for that round/stage/set. Please refer to the Shoot By Dates information page or the documentation which accompanied your competition stickers for the actual Shoot By Dates.
Where two dates are shown you will also see an extra column that describes each date row.
1) The "Round End" row is as described above - the date on which the winners are calculated for that round/stage/set.
2) The "Enter Scores By" date is the last day for Local Scorers to submit their scores via the Online Results Portal, where Local Scoring (club/county scoring) is permitted for the league/competition).
Division or Class List
The Results table displays the Total Score for each round of a league or each stage/set of a competition. NSRA leagues are sorted into divisions of six teams or six shooters for individual leagues based on total submitted averages. NSRA competitions are sorted into classes based on submitted averages.
Depending on the number of entries received for each league we add in Bye teams or individuals to bring the number of teams/individuals in all divisions of a league up to six.
Over the 10 rounds of an NSRA league each team is drawn against the other teams twice in a Round Robin format. Clicking on the "Fixtures List" link below each division will expand the Fixtures List and allow you to view who your team will shoot against in each round of the league.
As soon as the league/competition has been set up and entries have closed you will be able to view the Divisions or Classes for each league/competition and the clubs' teams or individuals within each Divisions or Class as well as the submitted average. To view the members of a team hover your mouse over the team name (Team A / Team B) and you will see a pop up box with each team members' name listed.
At midnight of each round end date the league/competition results will be calculated for that round/stage/set. In our Round Robin league format the winner of each league round will be awarded 2 points for winning their draw. 0 points are awarded for the team/individual loosing their draw. If there is a draw on gun score then each team will be awarded 1 point. The points awarded are shown in the column with a little downward arrow after the total gun score columns for each round/stage/set.
If a shooter doesn't provide a score for any particular round NSR (no score recorded) will be displayed in his score field. In the case of a team that doesn't provide scores for all its team members, NSR will be displayed even though the rest of the team's scores have been entered.
For leagues the teams/individuals are moved around in their positions within the divisions depending on their overall running total of points awarded as scored after each round. This is displayed in the column with the little downward arrow that follows the Total column (running total gun score). You can also see the number of Wins (W), Losses (L) and Draws (D) in the three columns following the Total columns.
At the end of the league, after the final round, the team/individual with the highest number of points wins that division. In the case of a draw in points, the total final gun score will determine the winner. In the case of a draw in total gun score, winners are awarded on count back, with the first lowest (or highest, depending on the competition) gun score in the last round (and further back if necessary) used as the decider.
For competitions the teams/individuals are moved around in their positions within the classes depending on their overall total gun score as scored after each stage/set. This is displayed in the column with the little downward arrow that follows the Total column (running total gun score).
Viewing the Results
The Results table displays various information for the League or Competition selected.
Each round/stage/set is displayed in columns titled R1, R2, R3, etc. and contains the Team or Individual's total gun score for that round/stage/set (either in points scored or points dropped depending on the scoring type). For Round Robin league formats you will also see the number of points awarded in the column to the right of the round column (R1, R2, etc).
In the Total column you can see the aggregate total gun score for the Team or Individual and next to that you will see either the aggregate total number of points (for Round Robin leagues) or the position number.
For Round Robin leagues you will also see the W, L, D columns which give the breakdown of how many times each team has won, lost or drawn.
If you see any round totals surrounded by a coloured box then additional information is available by clicking on the round total. Red boxes show Penalty Points or Score Adjustments, blue boxes show a Substitute has been used and green boxes show an Extension granted.
Scores for Each Round
To view the team member's individual scores for each round, or the individual's scores by card number for each round, click on the Team Total for the Round you are interested in, or the Individual's Round Total in the Results table. A pop up window will appear containing all of the scores for that round with column headings describing the scores.
This pop up window also contains any comments for Penalty Points or Score Adjustments (in red), the description of any Substitutes and their Handicap Points if applied to the Round Total Score (in blue) and any Extension date granted (in green).
Individual Scores
To view each team member's individual scores, and the individual's scores by card number just hover your mouse over the Team Name or Individual's Name in the Results table (on mobile devices you need to tap on the Team Name or Individual's Name). A pop up window will appear containing all of the scores for the whole competition with column headings describing the scores.
E.g. 1 : a Double Dewar course of fire.
You will see R1, R2, R3 etc for the rounds. You will then see for each round two columns for Set 1 and Set 2. In each Set you will then see headings titled "50" and "100" - these denote the columns containing scores for 50 metres and 100 yards.
E.g. 2: LWSR Individual League, 20 shots per round.
You will see R1, R2, R3, etc for the rounds. You will the see for each round four columns with headings "1", "2", "3", "4" - these denote the columns containing the scores for Card 1, Card 2, Card 3 and Card 4 in relation to the numbered stickers issued.
On a mobile device (phone / tablet) the screen size is smaller and so the Results table will be displayed with a left to right scroll bar. This will mean that all the columns are still visible, but you need to move the table left or right to see particular columns. Please note - it may also improve your viewing experience if you rotate the phone / tablet from portrait to landscape to increase the amount of space available on the screen for displaying the Results table.
Benchrest X Scores
Benchrest competitions are displayed with an additional column, in each round, for the number of Xs scored in that round. X scores are displayed in blue text and slightly raised above the gun score. If there are no Xs scored then the X column contains a zero.