About Us
The NSRA Competitions Team
The NSRA has a dedicated Competitions Team who are responsible for National Meetings and Postal Competitions, and who administer this website for the publishing of results.
The NSRA Competitions Team promote a wide range of competitions for the benefit of NSRA Members and affiliated organisations.
The National Meetings offer shooters the opportunity to get together on a range and take part in shoulder-to-shoulder matches. The advantage of this type of competition is its fairness, as the participants all have to fire under the same shooting conditions.
The majority of competitive shooting takes place on a postal basis, with each competitor or team shooting their cards on their home range. Cards are either sent to an independent Central Scorer, or can be scored in the club by an NSRA qualified scorer. Once the cards are scored the results are uploaded and are published after the Round End Date. Whether the level of a shooter's ability is only modest or is at the highest level, everyone can take part in shooting events that are truly national.
We run National Postal Leagues and Competitions for Club Teams, County Teams and Individuals and this site is the place to find all our current results. Historical results from those previous seasons run on this site will also be available. County Leagues are open to non-NSRA members. Club Leagues, Individual Leagues and other competitions are open to all NSRA members.
For NSRA leagues the shooters are divided into Divisions, while for postal competitions (anything that isn't a league) shooters are divided into Classes. Divisions or Classes are calculated based on submitted shooting averages, so individuals or teams are generally competing against those of a similar standard.
We are rolling out local scoring to those clubs who wish to utilise their qualified scorers in this way. Local scorers can enter their scores via this website. Please be aware that a set of cards will be called in for checking each Season.
Please check out our other pages for more information on the leagues, rules and regulations.