How to Enter

Please follow these instructions on how to use this site to enter NSRA leagues and competitions

NSRA affiliated Clubs and County Associations are required to enter their teams for the NSRA Summer and Winter Postal Competitions via the NSRA Online Results Portal. Payment of entry fees is not currently available through the NSRA Online Results Portal. Entry fees can be paid via BACS (details will be provided with the entry confirmation email), cheque, or by card over the telephone.

Please note, competition entry via the NSRA Online Results Portal is currently restricted to Club/County Officials and authorised Competition Administrators only. If you are not a Club/County Official, unless the NSRA Competitions Team receive written confirmation from a Club/County Official that you are a person authorised by your organisation to act as a Competition Administrator, it will not be permissible to set up an Online Results Portal account for you. Please note, Club/County Officials should be registered with the NSRA via the Just Go membership portal (

Club/County Officials and authorised Competition Administrators may enter individuals in individual competitions using the Online Results Portal. If you are an individual entering individual competitions for yourself only and are not a Club/County Official or an authorised Competition Administrator for your organisation, please use the individual entry form available on the NSRA website ( or email to request a copy.

1. Create an Account

If you have never used the NSRA Online Results Portal before contact the NSRA Competitions Team to request an account (email or phone 01483 485540). Do bear in mind that we will require your postal address and email contact information from you to send you league information emails and post the competition stickers to.

2. Your Club Details

A club needs to be associated with your personal account to be able to enter the NSRA leagues or competitions, whether for yourself as an individual (as a club member) or for your club shooters (if you are a club official). To do so, click on the 'Add Club' link in your Account panel. If your club has already been registered on this site, then you need to select Option 1 when you click on the 'Add Club' link and populate the Club Name. You will then need to request permissions to administer league entries by clicking on the 'Request Permissions' button in your newly formed club panel on your Dashboard. An automated email will be sent to all 'Officials' currently listed against your club. One of them will allow you permissions to enter leagues. If you have problems with this, then please contact the NSRA Competitions Team for support using the Online Results Portal. Do NOT create a new club account on the system if there is already one registered. Once you have been granted permissions to enter leagues, the appropriate buttons will be added to your club panel in your Dashboard.

If your club was not registered in the site's database and you need to create it from scratch, then select Option 2 during the 'Add Club' process. You will automatically be given full permission to manage your club's shooters, enter leagues and enter scores.

3. Adding Shooters to your Club Account

Once you have your club account added to your Dashboard, and you have the relevant permissions, click on the 'Manage Shooters' icon in your club panel. If the club has previously entered NSRA leagues or competitions on the Online Results Portal then there will be club shooters shown in the list. If you need to add more shooters to that list then follow the instructions in the 'Help' provided on the site.

You can edit or delete shooters shown in the list but, please note, if you delete any shooter from your club you are not removing that person from the system, but simply 'hiding' them from your account. Please make sure that all shooters' names, NGB Affiliation/Membership Numbers and email addresses are correct. If the shooter is a junior, or a veteran please provide their year of birth.

Please do not use all capital letters and ensure your shooters' names are in both upper and lower case letters.

5. Entering Leagues

To enter leagues for your club shooters, click on the 'Enter Leagues' icon in your club panel on your dashboard. Select the relevant NSRA Season by clicking the 'Enter' button
As soon as Season opens for entries, then this 'Enter' button is enabled. You will be presented with a list of all the NSRA leagues and competitions for the selected Season, ordered by Competition Number.  Select the 'Enter Now' button next to the league or competition you wish to generate entries for.

You will be taken to a box to add the shooters you wish to enter into that league/competition. For a team league/competition you will see the description of the league/competition and an 'Enter a Team' button. For an individual league/competition you will see the league/competition description and an 'Enter a Shooter' button.
By clicking on the 'Enter a Team' or 'Enter a Shooter' button you can choose your team members or individual shooter from a drop down list of your shooters. You can click on a name and they will be automatically added to the competition.  Please provide that shooter's current average for the discipline he/she is entering. * Please see below for information about how system averages will be used for future seasons.

If a league/competition has the option to shoot concurrently with another competition you will see a description at the top of the page detailing which league/competition can be shot concurrently with the league/competition you are currently working on. If a shooter wishes to shoot concurrently you simply need to check the "Shoot Concurrently?" tick box below the Team Member's / Shooter's Name and their scores will automatically be applied to both of the leagues/competitions.  
NB 1 : not all Team Members need to shoot concurrently, it is entirely down to the individual BUT any shooter who does wish to shoot concurrently will need to specify this at the beginning of the Season and continue to shoot concurrently throughout the Season. The NSRA are not able to correct any scores within the Online Results Portal due to mistakes in affixing stickers.
NB 2: Stickers for each round of any concurrent shooting must be affixed to the same target.  The NSRA are not able to correct any scores within the Online Results Portal due to mistakes in affixing stickers.

When you've finished adding your shooters click on the 'Enter Team' button or the 'Close' button at the bottom of the page. You can enter more than one team by selecting the 'Enter a Team' button for a second time. You will then be able to select your B Team shooters from the list of available shooters from your club - all of those shooters already entered in your A Team will not appear in the list. 

NB 3: If you have a shooter who does not appear in the list of shooters you can click on the 'Manage Shooters' button in the top right of the screen. This will allow you to add details of extra shooters without moving away from the screen for entering leagues/competitions.  Best practice is to manage your shooters before starting to select team members. 

You can edit your entries at any point up until the Entry Close Date. Once you are happy with your entries then click on the 'Summary & Payment' button. You will be presented with a breakdown of all the leagues/competitions you are entering, the shooters' names and averages and the Fees due (per league/competition and the Total League Entry Fees). When you click on the 'Confirm & Send' button an automated email of your entry will be sent to you from the site with these details. 

On your dashboard you will also see an 'Upcoming Leagues' box in the top right corner which shows the Season name and the Entry Close Date for upcoming leagues and competitions. Once the period for entries has closed you will see the message 'Currently has no upcoming leagues'  if you try clicking the 'Enter Leagues' icon in your club panel.

*How the system works out averages

When you come to enter leagues/competitions for a second time (for the same league/competition in a subsequent year), the Online Results Portal will calculate your shooters' averages based on these criteria:

  • If they are shooting in the current league/competition (i.e. the one that is running at the time of a new league being opened for entries) then all rounds' scores, already shot, will be used to calculate an average for the new league's entry as long as the shooter has provided scores for two or more rounds. The later an entry is made for a new season's league the more rounds' scores will be used to calculate an average for your shooters.
  • If less than two rounds have been completed in the currently running league then scores from the preceding league will be used.
  • If less than two rounds have been completed in the currently running league and the shooter didn't participate in the preceding league, of if they did participate but provided less than two scores, then no system average will be provided.